
Thursday, 28 October 2021

Volcanoes in New Zealand

Pick a volcano - White Island

Where is it? It is located 48km from the east coast of the North Island of New Zealand, in the Bay of Plenty

What's special about it? It has been built up by continuous volcanic activity over the past 150,000 years.

When did it last erupt? What was the damage? 9 Dec 2019: Eighteen people were killed and a further 26 were seriously injured, many crucially. It also sent a plume of ash and gas more than 3.5km into the air.

What are the local stories/ myths about this volcano? The volcanoes Ngauruhoe, Tongariro, and White Island are present in a Maori legend. A medicine man named Ngatoro was climbing up Tongariro with a woman named Auruhoe. He told his followers not to eat while he was gone in order to give him strength on top of the cold mountain.

Cool pictures

Why White Island erupted and why there was no warning - Australian  Geographic