
Monday, 23 November 2020


Filtrantion: Solid + Liquid 
Evaporation: Liquid (solid dissolved in Liquid) Solid 
Distillation: Liquid (solid dissolved in liquid) gas, liquid, solid.  

what is:
Evaporation: heating a liquid, turns to a gas. 
Condensation: cooling down a gas, turn into a liquid.

separating a mixture using Distillation 

Aim: to separate a solute from a solvent in a solution using distillation.

Equipment: A solution of coke, conical flask, heatproof mat, a delivery tube, and bung, bunsen burner, tripod, gauze mat, retort stand, boss head, and clamp, boiling tube. 

  1.  set up the equipment as shown in the diagram.
  2. add approximately 50 mL of coke to your conical flask. 
  3. light your bunsen burner. open the air hole and gently push the bunsen burner under the tripod.
  4.  heat the solution until most of the solvent has been evaporation. turn off your bunsen burner.
what do you think will happen when you heat the coke vs the coke zero.

Tuesday, 10 November 2020

Serial Dilution

today in chemistry we did a dilution experiment  first we had to get into a group of 4 to 5 then get our equipment the equipment was a potassium permanganate crystal, six large test tubes, tweezers, a plastic transfer pipette, a test tube rack, 10 mL measuring cylinder then we had to put the six test tubes in a test tube rack then we had to label the test tubes from 1-6 after labeling the test tubes we had to pour 5ml water in 5 of the test tubes and the 6th one you pour 10ml water after adding the water then we add a single crystal of potassium permangenate to test tube one gently shake the test tube until the crystal is dissolved   

Aim: to make a dilution serial to investigate 

Method: potassium permanganate 


Monday, 2 November 2020

Filtration Experiment

today in Chemicals and chaos we did an experiment with two different substances. the two different substances are sodium carbonate and copper sulfate. The first steps were safety, so we had to put on some safety glasses then get the equipment for the experiment 

Solvent - thing doing the dissolving (Liquid)
Solute - thing being dissolved (Solid)
Solution - a mixture that is formed. 
Filtration - separates particles based on size.
Filtrate - liquid after it has been filtered.
Mixture - 2 or most substances together.
Solubility - the ability to dissolve.

- blue, transparent, liquid copper sulfate sodium carbonate.
- clear, transparent liquid.
looked like a blue opaque liquid clear liquid-solid, blue copper carbonate. 

the stuff- equipment we used 

sodium carbonate,
copper sulfate, 
conical flask,
stirring rod,
200ml beaker, 
filter paper,